



简介 马仙珏实验室


Wallenda-Nmo Axis Regulates Growth via Hippo Signaling

期刊 Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology
Both Hippo signaling pathways and cell polarity regulation are critical for cell proliferation and the maintenance of tissue homeostasis, despite the well-established connections between cell polarity disruption and Hippo inactivation, the molecular mechanism by which aberrant cell polarity induces Hippo-mediated overgrowth remains underexplored. Here we useDrosophilawing discs as a model and identify the Wnd-Nmo axis as an important molecular link that bridges loss-of-cell polarity-triggered Hippo inactivation and overgrowth. We show that Wallenda (Wnd), a MAPKKK (mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase) family member, is a novel regulator of Hippo pathways inDrosophilaand that overexpression of Wnd promotes growth via Nemo (Nmo)- mediated Hippo pathway inactivation. We further demonstrate that both Wnd and Nmo are required for loss-of-cell polarity-induced overgrowth and Hippo inactivation. In summary, our findings provide a novel insight on how cell polarity loss contributes to overgrowth and uncover the Wnd-Nmo axis as an essential additional branch that regulates Hippo pathways inDrosophila.