



简介 致力于地震成像理论、技术创新以及国产地震成像软件的开发,聚焦深地、深海、人工智能、工业软件开发等国际前沿领域及“卡脖子”技术进行攻关。


       课题组负责人曲英铭是中国石油大学(华东)教授、博士生导师中国科协青年人才托举工程入选者山东省泰山青年学者、西海岸新区优秀青年人才、中国石油大学优秀青年人才。2012 年、2018 年毕业于中国石油石油大学(华东),分别获得学士、博士学位。任 SCI 期刊 Journal of Applied Geophysics 副主编、Exploration Geophysics 副主编、Applied Geophysics 编委、一区 SCI Petroleum Science 优秀青年编委、Journal of Geophysics and EngineeringChina Geology、《石油地球物理勘探》、《石油物探》、《东北石油大学学报》青年编委,河南省地质物探工程技术研究中心学术委员、海工装备专委会委员、青岛市科普专家、海洋石油勘探国家工程实验室外部专家、SEG 和 EAGE 会员、中国地球物理学会终身会员。

       课题组围绕地震成像理论与技术创新及国产地震成像软件研发与应用研究,聚焦深地、深海、人工智能、工业软件开发等国际前沿领域及“卡脖子”技术进行攻关,面向深地、深海环境中隐蔽构造与油气藏如何高效率、高精度成像等理论与技术难题,在国家自然基金面上项目、国家科技重大专项、国家重点研发计划、山东省泰山学者项目等 39 项国家级、省部级及其他课题资助下开展了系统研究。在Geophysics、GJI、IEEE TGRS、GP等国际主流期刊发表 论文 128 篇,第一著作人出版专著3部,编写省级规划教材1部,授权国家发明专利 24 件、授权计算机软件著作权 23 项。获得省部级成果奖励 9 项,创新创业“三大赛”省级最高奖及国奖 6 项。

       ◇ 软硬件支持。研究团队拥有先进的计算机集群、高性能工作站、GPU 工作站、地震数字处理工作站等,此外,研究团队与北京超算、天津超算、无锡超算、济南超算建立了长期合作关系,为课题研究提供了硬件支持;有多套深层实际数据(如渤海油田、胜利油田、塔里木油田、西南油气田等)及多款国际通用处理软件(如 Geoeast、Omega、Fox、Landmark 等),同时自主研发了一套复杂介质地震成像软件平台,为课题顺利开展提供了软件与资料支持。

       学科平台。依托于中国石油大学(华东)“双一流” 建设学科、国家重点学科、“A+” 学科 “地质资源与地质工程”,国家一流专业 “地球物理学”。



      ◇ 研究方向。油气地球物理;计算地球物理;海洋地球物理;地震波传播与成像;深地与深海;人工智能;天然气水合物、页岩气等成像。






图 现场赛合影





1)Li et al., 2024, Ocean bottom dual-sensor Q-compensated elastic least-squares reverse time migration based on acoustic and separated-viscoelastic coupling equations. Geophysics.

2)Liu et al., 2024, Regional staining reverse time migration algorithm based on energy-constrained factors. Acta Geophysica.

3)Tao et al., 2024, Viscoacoustic VTI media reverse time migration method in the complex-domain based on the staining algorithm. Journal of Applied Geophysics.

4)Huang et al., 2024. Least-squares reverse time migration in frequency domain based on Anderson acceleration with QR factorization. Acta Geophysica.

5)Li et al., 2024. Elastic full‐waveform inversion based on the double‐cross‐shaped discrete flux‐corrected transport. Geophysical Prospecting.

6)Li et al., 2024. Steeply dipping structural target oriented viscoacoustic prismatic reverse time migration in frequency domain and its application. Geophysical Prospecting.

7)Ding et al., 2024, VSP Data Seismic Interferometry Imaging Method in VTI Media: 85th EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition.

8)Guo et al., 2024, Forward Modeling based on a Velocity-Adaptive-Variable Grid (VAVG): Overcoming Spatial Oversampling: 85th EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition.

9)Li et al., 2024, Average-Derivative Optimized 21-Point Forward Modeling and FWI in Frequency Domain: 85th EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition.

10)Dong et al., 2024, Cross-correlation reflection waveform inversion based on a weighted norm of the time-shift obtained by dynamic image warping. Geophysical Prospecting. (Accepted)

11)Xu et al., 2024, Average-derivative Optimized 21-Point and Improved 25-Point Forward Modeling and Full Waveform Inversion in Frequency Domain. Geophysical Prospecting. (Accepted)

12)谢龙福等, 2024, 基于平均导数21点差分格式的声波方程频率域正演模拟方法. 地球物理学报.  (Accepted)

13)谢龙福等, 2024, 异距21点拉伸型网格频率-空间域有限差分正演模拟. 地球物理学报.  (Under Review)

14)Sun et al., 2024, Compressive sensing seismic signal reconstruction method in 3D hyperbolic Radon domain. Survey in Geophysics. (Under Review)

15) Sun et al., 2024, Compressive sensing seismic near-surface noise adaptive suppression and reconstruction method in 3D conical and hyperbolic Radon domain. IEEE Transactions on Geosciences and Remote Sensing. (Under Review)

16)Li et al., 2024, A Method for Overcoming Spatial Oversampling in Seismic Wave Numerical Simulation Based on a Velocity-Adaptive-Variable Grid Scheme. IEEE GRSL.  (Under Review)

17)刘畅等, 2024, 基于染色算法的地震干涉成像技术. 中国石油大学学报.

18)丁泽政等, 2024, VTI介质VSP数据地震干涉成像方法. 石油物探.

19)赵国勇等,2024, 面向盐下构造的染色逆时偏移成像. 物探与化探

Topic 15: Optimized point spread function imaging-domain LSRTM

Topic 14: Optimized FWI and RWI

Topic 13: Harmonic noise suppression and aliasing signal separation for vibroseis data

1. A joint special noise suppressing technology for vibroseis data after cross-correlation is proposed based on the characteristics of the two kinds of special noise, in which the harmonic noise is firstly suppressed by the predictive filtering method based on a feedback system, and then the surface response noise is suppressed by the frequency division method.

2. Different techniques are used for vibroseis aliasing data acquired from different acquisition methods.
