



简介 致力于地震成像理论、技术创新以及国产地震成像软件的开发,聚焦深地、深海、人工智能、工业软件开发等国际前沿领域及“卡脖子”技术进行攻关。


Steeply dipping structural target oriented viscoacoustic prismatic reverse time migration in frequency domain and its application

期刊 Geophysical Prospecting
AbstractSteeply dipping structural imaging is a great challenge due to its poor illumination. Conventional migration methods are unable to produce an accurate image of complex steeply dipping structures. The prismatic wave can improve the illumination of steeply dipping structures and is often used to improve the imaging results of such structures. Traditional elastic wave theory assumes that seismic waves do not attenuate when propagating through subsurface media. However, during seismic wave propagation, the wave energy decays exponentially due to the absorption and attenuation of the ground layer. Subsurface attenuation leads to amplitude loss and phase distortion of seismic waves, resulting in blurring of migration amplitudes when this attenuation is not taken into account during imaging. To address this issue, a frequency‐domain Q‐compensated prismatic reverse time migration method is proposed, which derives Q‐compensated prismatic wavefield propagation operators. In the proposed frequency‐domain Q‐compensated prismatic reverse time migration, Q attenuation is fully compensated along three propagation paths and two propagation types of prismatic waves. The optimized four‐order mixed 25‐point difference format and LU decomposition method are used to solve the Q‐compensated prismatic wavefield propagation equations with high computational efficiency. Numerical and field data examples demonstrate that the proposed frequency‐domain Q‐compensated prismatic reverse time migration method can compensate for deep attenuation energy and improve the imaging resolution of steeply dipping structures.