


Biophotonics Lab

简介 We are the Biophotonics Laboratory of GIST!


Who are we?

We are the Biophotonics Laboratory of Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, located in Gwangju, South Korea. 

What do we do?

We pursue the development of multifunctional optical imaging/spectroscopic systems that can provide functional information such as blood flow, blood volume, tissue oxygenation, fluorescence, luminescence, spectral contents and etc. 

Why do we do it?

We want to:

  1. Observe tumor from non-tumor tissue in order to predict the outcome of cancer treatment
  2. Diagnose skin diseases and provide supportive information for cosmetics
  3. Observe the brain function in order to guide neurosurgery
  4. Diagnose/treat urological diseases
  5. Applications for emergency medicine


  • Breast Cancer Detection & Chemotherapy Monitoring
  • Brain Function and Disease
  • Skin Disease and Cosmetics
  • Sexual dysfunction diagnosis and treatment
  • Emergency Medicine

BPL's 2016 Year End Party -2016.12.26

On Dec 26, BPL members have a great party to celebrate the successful 2016 and welcome the greater 2017. After a delicious dinner in a VIP restaurant, we enjoyed two great performances from Mookyum KimMinhee Kim , and Yoonho Oh , a magic show from our great magician Seonghyun Kim , exciting games, and gifts exchange. Thank you everyone for your great works in 2016, wish we all have a successful 2017!!!  

The party starts with a delicious dinner in a VIP restaurant.

Mookyum Kim is singing a 'sad' song.

Minhee Kim and Yoonho Oh are dancing.

Seonghyun Kim is showing his magic.

Playing games.

BPL members with gifts from gife exchange game.

A special gift prepared by Hyeryun Jeong .

Professor Jae Gwan Kim gave a talk in the Update in Dermatology symposium -2016.11.26

On Nov 26, Professor Jae Gwan Kim gave a talk as an invited speaker in the Update in Dermatology symposium about the optical technologies for dermatology applications. Thank you for great works!!!  

Group photo of all invited speakers.

Professor Jae Gwan Kim is giving a talk.

Professor Jae Gwan Kim is presenting the work from Geonho Jeong .

Professor Jae Gwan Kim and BPL members joined ABC 2016 -2016.11.04-05

On Nov 04, BPL members went to Daejeon to attend Annual Biophotonics conference. Professor Jae Gwan Kim served as a general co-chair of the conference. There, Jayyoung Bae gave an oreal presentation and he got a Young Investigator award. In addition, Dong-Hyuk Choi, Hyeryun JeongSungchul Kim, and Minhee Kim gave poster presentations about their current studies. Thank you for great works!!! 

Group photo at the poster of the conference.

Minhee Kim and Hyeryun Jeong with their posters.

Dong-Hyuk Choi and Sungchul Kim with their posters.

Jaeyoung Bae is giving his talk. 

Professor Jae Gwan Kim is giving a speech during the closing ceremony.

Optical Sensor

Cupping therapy is a form of oriental medicine that creates a local suction on the skin. The local suction mobilizes blood flow in the area and helps promote healing. However, conventional cupping therapy applied same force to everyone without considering about physical conditions such as age, sex, or weight. In order to make a personalized cupping therapy, we added a NIRS channel inside of the cup as an optical sensor to measure blood oxygenation during cupping. 

Optical sensor for personalized cupping therapy (Sungchul Kim and Evgenii Kim)

Combined DSCA/NIRS system

A combined diffuse speckle contrast analysis (DSCA)–near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) system is proposed to simultaneously measure qualitative blood flow and blood oxygenation changes in human tissue. The system employs an optical switch to alternate two laser sources at two different wavelengths and a CCD camera to capture the speckle image. Therefore, an optical density can be measured from two wavelengths for NIRS measurements and a speckle contrast can be calculated for DSCA measurements. In order to validate the system, a flow phantom test and an arm occlusion protocol for arterial and venous occlusion were performed. Shorter exposure times show a higher drop (between 50% and 66%) and recovery of 1/KS2 values after occlusion (approximately 150%), but longer exposure time (3 ms) shows more consistent hemodynamic changes. For four subjects, the 1/KS2 values dropped to an average of 82.1±4.0% during the occlusion period and the average recovery of 1/KS2 values after occlusion was 109.1±0.8%. There was also an approximately equivalent amplitude change in oxyhemoglobin (OHb) and deoxyhemoglobin (RHb) during arterial occlusion (max RHb=0.0085±0.0024 mM/DPF, min OHb=−0.0057±0.0044 mM/DPF). The sensitivity of the system makes it a suitable modality to observe qualitative hemodynamic trends during induced physiological changes. 

A combined DSCA/NIRS system to measure blood flow and oxygenation simultaneously (Myeongsu Seong, Zeph Phillips, and Phuong Minh Mai)
