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TA的实验室:   丁凡实验室

Aboveground litter input is not important for soil microbes during the non-growing season

期刊: Journal of Soils and Sediments  2023
作者: Fan Ding,Changrong Yan,Jingkuan Wang,Jie Lu,Shitong Li,Zhengyu Wang,Huangdong Zang,Mingxuan Li,Dechang Ji,Zhaojie Jia

Belowground plant inputs exert higher metabolic activities and carbon use efficiency of soil nematodes than aboveground inputs

Soil nematodes are key components of soil food web and, through their metabolic activities, play a crucial role in soil carbon (C) cycling. Aboveground and belowground plant C inputs can directly, or indirectly via soil microbes, modify nematode abundance and community composition. Aboveground and belowground C inputs differ in chemical composition, amounts, and frequency, so we hypothesized that the two input pathways affect nematode communities differently. To assess the relative contributions of aboveground versus belowground inputs to nematode community composition and activity, we subjected grassland soils to four plant input pathways over two consecutive years: no input, only aboveground input (+A), only belowground input (+B), and both aboveground and belowground inputs (+A + B). Nematode metabolic footprints, as estimates of C used in growth/reproduction and C lost by respiration, and C use efficiency (C used/(C used + C lost)) were calculated. We predicted that soils with belowground inputs, which are more directly linked to the soil biota, and which contain a more labile blend of molecules, would support richer and more complex nematode communities, and also favor a bacterial-driven decomposition channel. Accordingly, we showed that + B soils supported higher nematode numbers than + A soils, and that the bacterial decomposition channel was dominant in + B soils, while the fungal decomposition channel dominated in + A soils. Compared with + A soils, +B input system increased nematode structure footprints (the metabolic footprints of nematodes in upper functional guilds) rather than enrichment footprints (the metabolic footprints of enrichment opportunistic nematodes). Moreover, we observed that, compared to + A soils, +B soils had higher growth and respiration rates of bacterivores, omnivores-predators, and total nematodes. Finally, we found higher C use efficiency values for omnivores-predators and total nematodes in + B than in + A soils. We thus conclude that belowground plant-derived resources, by changing the ratio between fungivores and bacterivores, induce a faster carbon turnover rate, and higher metabolic activity of soil nematodes within soil food web, ultimately spurring richer and more efficient soil food web than aboveground inputs.

期刊: Geoderma  2022
作者: Bingxue Li,Sara Sánchez-Moreno,Sergio Rasmann,Di Zhang,Xiaoke Zhang,Zhaojie Jia,Rutger A. Wilschut,Fan Ding,Han Wang,Zhiyong Zhang

Crop residue decomposition and nutrient release are independently affected by nitrogen fertilization, plastic film mulching, and residue type

期刊: European Journal of Agronomy  2022
作者: Jingkuan Wang,Shuangyi Li,Zhaojie Jia,Feike A Dijkstra,Fan Ding,Dechang Ji

Agronomic performance of polyethylene and biodegradable plastic film mulches in a maize cropping system in a humid continental climate

期刊: Science of The Total Environment  2021
作者: Jingkuan Wang,Fan Ding,Shitong Li,Zhaojie Jia,Zhao Tao,Yi Chang,Sean M. Schaeffer,Markus Flury,Mingxuan Li,Zhengyu Wang
