


芜湖市 | 安徽师范大学生态与环境学院 | 讲师
  邮箱   bhong@ahnu.edu.cn  电话   17855950530
TA的实验室:   大气污染与健康研究组

Effect of typhoons on spatiotemporal patterns of multi-group persistent organic pollutants in sediment of Chinese southeastern coastal estuaries

期刊: Journal of Hazardous Materials  2024
作者: Bing Hong,Min Zhou,Juan Li,Xun Liu,Yan Zhang

Spectrum of pharmaceutical residues in commercial manure-based organic fertilizers from multi-provinces of China mainland in relation to animal farming and possible environmental risks of fertilization

期刊: Science of the Total Environment  2023
作者: Bing Hong,Jing Ding,Qi Li,Juan Li,Min Zhou,Bing He

Sedimentary spectrum and potential ecological risks of residual pharmaceuticals in relation to sediment-water partitioning and land uses in a watershed

期刊: Science of the Total Environment  2022
作者: Bing Hong,Min Zhou,Juan Li,Xun Liu,Yan Zhang,Qi Li,Jing Ding,Linlin Zhang

Spectrum and environmental risks of residual pharmaceuticals in stream water with emphasis on its relation to epidemic infectious disease and anthropogenic activity in watershed

期刊: Journal of Hazardous Materials  2020
作者: Bing Hong,Jing Ding

Urbanization gradient of selected pharmaceuticals in surface water at a watershed scale

期刊: Science of the Total Environment  2018
作者: Bing Hong,Jing Ding
