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Creation of Thermal Response Ordered Mesostructure Polymer Particles Using Diblock Copolymers via 3D Confined Self‐Assembly

期刊: Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics  2023
作者: Liang Tong,Yuta Nabae,Tomoyasu Hirai,Hiroshi Yabu,Teruaki Hayakawa

Long‐Range Ordered Double Gyroid Structures via Solution Casting from Poly(2,2,2‐trifluoroethyl methacrylate)‐<i>block</i>‐poly(2‐vinyl pyridine)

期刊: Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics  2021
作者: Sho Kurimoto,Liang Tong,Hayato Maeda,Yuta Nabae,Teruaki Hayakawa

Fluorescence Switchable Conjugated Polymer Microdisk Arrays by Cosolvent Vapor Annealing

Depositing minute light emitters into a regular array is a basic but essential technique in display technology. However, conventional lithographic methodologies involve multistep and energy-consuming processes. Here, we develop a facile method in which organic and polymeric fluorescent dyes spontaneously aggregate to form a patterned microarray. We find that a thin film of fluorescent π-conjugated polymer transforms into micrometer-sized aggregates when exposed to binary organic vapor at ambient temperature. The arrayed microaggregates can be formed over the whole substrate surface when using a quartz substrate that is prepatterned with regular hydrophilic boxes and hydrophobic grids. The resultant microarray is applicable to optical memories and displays when photoswitchable fluorophores are doped into the polymer matrix.

期刊: Polymers  2021
作者: Hiroshi Yamagishi,Tokiya Matsui,Yusuke Kitayama,Yusuke Aikyo,Liang Tong,Junpei Kuwabara,Takaki Kanbara,Masakazu Morimoto,Masahiro Irie,Yohei Yamamoto

Spherical assemblies formed from π-conjugated alternating copolymers having fluorene and thiophene components

期刊: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering  2014
作者: Yohei Yamamoto,Liang Tong

Tetramethylbithiophene in π-conjugated alternating copolymers as an effective structural component for the formation of spherical assemblies

π-Conjugated alternating copolymers containing a tetramethylbithiophene unit show a strong tendency to form well-defined, sub- to several-micrometer-sized spheres.

期刊: Polym. Chem.  2014
作者: Liang Tong,Soh Kushida,Junpei Kuwabara,Takaki Kanbara,Noriyuki Ishii,Akinori Saeki,Shu Seki,Seiichi Furumi,Yohei Yamamoto

Self-assembled conjugated polymer spheres as fluorescent microresonators

期刊: Scientific Reports  2014
作者: Kenichi Tabata,Daniel Braam,Soh Kushida,Liang Tong,Junpei Kuwabara,Takaki Kanbara,Andreas Beckel,Axel Lorke,Yohei Yamamoto

Spherical Assemblies from π-Conjugated Alternating Copolymers: Toward Optoelectronic Colloidal Crystals

期刊: Journal of the American Chemical Society  2013
作者: Taeko Adachi,Liang Tong,Junpei Kuwabara,Takaki Kanbara,Akinori Saeki,Shu Seki,Yohei Yamamoto
