


Kyungsup Kim
  邮箱   sclkim@cnu.ac.kr 
TA的实验室:   Applied Scientific Computing Lab

On the relation between phase-type distributions and positive systems

期刊: Abstract and Applied Analysis  2015
作者: Kyungsup Kim

A Constructive Positive Realization with Sparse Matrices for a Continuous-Time Positive Linear System

期刊: Mathematical Problems in Engineering  2013
作者: Kyungsup Kim

A construction method for positive realizations with an order bound

期刊: Systems & Control Letters  2012
作者: Kyungsup Kim

A fitting method with generalized Erlang distributions

期刊: Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory  2011
作者: Kyungsup Kim,Nigel Thomas

A mobility model and performance analysis in wireless cellular network with general distribution and multi-cell model

期刊: Wireless Personal Communications  2010
作者: Kyungsup Kim,Hoon Choi

Constrained simulated annealing for stability margin computation in a time‐delay system

期刊: International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control  2006
作者: Kyungsup Kim,Jinho Bae

Synthesis of tunable long-period fiber gratings with inverted erbium-doped fiber amplifier spectrum using thermal change parameters

期刊: Japanese journal of applied physics  2005
作者: Jinho Bae,Kyungsup Kim

A fast factorization algorithm for a confluent Cauchy matrix

期刊: Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society  2005
作者: Kyungsup Kim
