


  邮箱   wangxiaoliang52086@126.com 
TA的实验室:   环境流体力学实验室

An updated critical state model by incorporating inertial effects for granular material in solid–fluid transition regime

期刊: Granular Matter  2022
作者: Qingquan Liu,Ge Li,Xiaoliang Wang

Three-dimensional numerical simulation of granular flow with a GPU-accelerated SPH model

<p>A smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) has obtained wildly application to granular flow and soil failure problems in last two decades. The computational efficiency is limited by the number of particles, which makes it difficult for SPH to be applied to large-scale examples. In this study, we develop a three-dimensional SPH model based on Drucker–Prager closure with a non-associated plastic flow rule, which is accelerated by employing the GPU technology. A typical three-dimensional granular slope case is simulated with 44 million particles for 88.5 hours. GPU acceleration technology significantly improves the computing efficiency almost 200 times than single-core CPU for large scale geotechnical problems with more than 10 million SPH particles. Multiple shear bands are observed in this simulation, which reveal the failure mechanism of granular flow.</p>

作者: Xiaoliang Wang,Qingquan Liu,Can Huang

SPH-ASR study of drop impact on a heated surface with consideration of inclined angle and evaporation

期刊: Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements  2022
作者: Qingquan Liu,Xiaoliang Wang,Md M.a. Sohag,Xiufeng Yang,Linhao Li

Deflection effect in the interaction between granular flow and semi-ellipsoid obstacle array

<p>Granular flow impacting structures is an important problem in the research of providing scientific basis for disaster prediction and mitigation, so it is of great significance to deepen the understanding of the interaction law. We studied the spread and deposit behaviors of fast granular flow impacting an array of semi-ellipsoid obstacles with different parameters such as the height, distribution density and deflection angle. It is found that the flow and deposit state of granular matter are controlled by the obstacle array through both dissipation and deflection effect. We quantified the deposit behavior by two dimensionless indices, one pre-existing index called runout efficiency, and a new proposed index termed as deflection efficiency. This work would provide help in designing protective obstacle arrays by exploring the relationship between regulation effect and parameters of the obstacle array.</p>

作者: Qing-Quan Liu,Xiaoliang Wang,Su Yang,Wangxin Yu

Runout and deflection of granular flow past an array of obstacles on a slope

期刊: European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids  2022
作者: Qingquan Liu,Xiufeng Yang,Wangxin Yu,Su Yang,Xiaoliang Wang

Characteristics of iceberg calving-generated waves based on three-dimensional SPH simulations

期刊: Coastal Engineering  2022
作者: Qingquan Liu,Xiaoliang Wang,Chao Hu

Numerical study of waves generated during iceberg calving in sliding mode

期刊: Ocean Engineering  2022
作者: Xiaoliang Wang,Qingquan Liu,Chao Hu

A two-layer model for landslide generated impulse wave: Simulation of the 1958 Lituya bay landslide impact wave from generation to long–duration transport

期刊: Advances in Water Resources  2021
作者: Yi An,Xiaoliang Wang,Menghan Pan,Qingquan Liu

Numerical study on near-field characteristics of landslide-generated impulse waves in channel reservoirs

期刊: Journal of Hydrology  2021
作者: Yi An,Qingquan Liu,Chuanqi Shi,Xiaoliang Wang

Modeling shallow geological flows on steep terrains using a specific differential transformation

期刊: Acta Mechanica  2021
作者: Qingquan Liu,Xiaoliang Wang

Mesoscale analysis of the suction stress characteristic curve for unsaturated granular materials

期刊: Particuology  2021
作者: Qingquan Liu,Jiachun Li,Zhen Zhang,Xiaoliang Wang

Effects of the spanwise heterogeneity of a three-dimensional wavy wall on momentum and scalar transport

期刊: Physics of Fluids  2021
作者: Qingquan Liu,Xiaoliang Wang,Enwei Zhang


期刊: 力学学报  2021
作者: 王晓亮,邓争志,[10] 郭权势

Experimental investigation of immersed granular collapse in viscous and inertial regimes

期刊: Physics of Fluids  2021
作者: Xiaoliang Wang,Qingquan Liu,Yi An,Wentao Zhang,Yunhui Sun

Numerical investigation on the temporal and spatial statistical characteristics of turbulent mass transfer above a two-dimensional wavy wall

期刊: International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer  2021
作者: Qingquan Liu,Xiaoliang Wang,Enwei Zhang

Forecasting granular flow on steep terrains after interacting with an array of obstacles

<p>Natural disasters such as landslides dominated by granular material may cause catastrophic consequences. Therefore, the protection of human-made facilities in mountainous areas is of great significance. An effective protective measure is to install an array of obstacles upstream of the structure that needs to be protected. We need to numerically simulate the interaction between granular flow and obstacle array, and forecast the flow path and stacking position of granular flow after interacting with an array of obstacles. The constitutive behavior and structure-interaction mode of granular material differs substantially from water flow-dominated hazards (e.g., floods). We have developed a depth-averaged model that can accurately simulate the interaction between granular flow and obstacles. Numerical simulations were performed for the case of granular flow facing a large number of different obstacles arrays to produce a dynamical process of granular flow and the depth changes of fixed detection points. We obtain different obstacles arrays by changing, including but not limited to, the type, geometric size of the obstacles, and row spacing of the arrays. We found that obstacles play roles of dissipation, deflection and hindrance, on the granular flow. For some types of obstacles, such as tetrahedron, the previous two mechanisms are dominant. Our research results show that the existence of obstacle arrays can indeed protect specific areas downstream. Furthermore, we can achieve better protection effects by changing the parameters of the array. These research results help us better forecast the result of the interaction between granular flow and an array of obstacles in space, and provide guidance for the structural design and assessment for hazard mitigation in mountainous regions. These findings advance the understanding of flow structures of fast granular flow facing obstacles, which provides guidance for structural design and assessment for hazard mitigation in mountainous.</p>

作者: Qingquan Liu,Xiaoliang Wang,Su Yang

Numerical simulation of fast granular flow facing obstacles on steep terrains

期刊: Journal of Fluids and Structures  2020
作者: Menghan Pan,Qingquan Liu,Xiaoliang Wang,Su Yang

Numerical study on immersed granular collapse in viscous regime by particle-scale simulation

期刊: Physics of Fluids  2020
作者: Qing-Quan Liu,Xiao-Liang Wang,Wen-Tao Zhang,Yun-Hui Sun

Evolution of Energy in Submerged Granular Column Collapse

期刊: Chinese Physics Letters  2020
作者: Yun-Hui Sun,Xiao-Liang Wang,Qing-Quan Liu,Yi An,Wen-Tao Zhang

Triaxial behavior of granular material under complex loading path by a new numerical true triaxial engine

期刊: Advanced Powder Technology  2019
作者: Jiachun Li,Zhen Zhang,Xiaoliang Wang

A new solver for granular avalanche simulation: Indoor experiment verification and field scale case study

期刊: Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy  2017
作者: Jiachun Li,Xiaoliang Wang

On the degradation of granular materials due to internal erosion

期刊: Acta Mechanica Sinica  2015
作者: Jiachun Li,Xiaoliang Wang

A novel liquid bridge model for estimating SWCC and permeability of granular material

期刊: Powder Technology  2015
作者: Jiachun Li,Xiaoliang Wang

Simulation of triaxial response of granular materials by modified DEM

期刊: Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy  2014
作者: Jiachun Li,Xiaoliang Wang
