


  邮箱   zhuli1977@tju.edu.cn 

Analysis of using integrated multi-energy model to promote development of renewable energy in Western China: a case study of Wuhai city, Inner Mongolia.

期刊: [6]2019 United Nations ESCO International Water Conference Hydro Resources (2019UNESCO-IWC), Paris, France.  2019
作者: Yong Sun,Jiqiang Zhang,Li Zhu


期刊: 太阳能学报  2019
作者: 孙勇,李庆祥,邵泽彪,陈孟栋,朱丽

Integrated multi-energy system: a solution to reduce renewable energy power curtailment in western China

期刊: the 11th International Conference on Applied Energy  2019
作者: Di Wang,Jiqiang Zhang,Li Zhu

Sensitivity analysis on influence factors of comprehensive energy planning for low carbon city in China

期刊: [4]The 11th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (ISHVAC 2019), Harbin, China.  2019
作者: Yang Yang,Jiqiang Zhang,Li Zhu

A simplified mathematical model for power output predicting of BIPV under partial shading conditions

Shadow will make power output loss for Building Integrated Photovoltaic system. Power output predicting of Building Integrated Photovoltaic is always complicated due to multi-parameters, especially under partial shading conditions. In this paper, effects of partial shadow on the photocurrent and series resistor is analyzed, relationship of shaded cell area proportion with photocurrent and series resistor is obtained respectively, and based on this, a simplified mathematical model to describe the relationship between shaded cell area proportion and current-voltage, power-voltage characteristics of a photovoltaic module under partial shading conditions is proposed and verified by experiments. Electrical performance of the photovoltaic module under different shading scenarios is predicted using the simplified mathematical model, and the predicted results have a high consistency with experiments using the monocrystalline silicon photovoltaic module. The results show that under same shaded area proportion, the shadow distributing in parallel with the short edge, which makes photovoltaic modules power output 3 W/m(2) under 10% shaded area, has much more negative effects than distributing in parallel with the long edge. The power output of a photovoltaic string protected by one bypass diode depends on the largest shaded cell area proportion, when the largest shaded cell area proportion is around 45%, the photovoltaic string has no contribution to power output of the whole photovoltaic module. Therefore, in order to minimize the influence of shadow on the power output of a photovoltaic module, for Building Integrated Photovoltaic system meeting inevitable shadow with regular shape, the photovoltaic module should be arranged to make the shadow distributed uniformly on the cells protected with one bypass diode; but for Building Integrated Photovoltaic system meeting inevitable shadow with irregular shape, the module of whom every piece of cells parallels a diode is recommended.

期刊: Energy Conversion and Management  2019
作者: Yong Sun,Kaiyue Cao,Mengdong Chen,Qingxiang Li,Li Zhu

Experimental Study on a Facade-built-in Two-Phase Thermosyphon Loop for Passive Thermo-activated Building System

期刊: [5]The 11th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (ISHVAC 2019), Harbin, China.  2019
作者: Jiqiang Zhang,Yang Yang,Li Zhu

Based on CITESPACE's 1998-2018 Energy Economic Research Track and Future Forecast

期刊: the 11th International Conference on Applied Energy  2019
作者: Junrong Ma,Li Zhu


期刊: the 11th International Conference on Applied Energy  2019
作者: Qiong Wu,Li Zhu

Optimization design study of lightweight temporary build-ing integrated with PCMs through CFD simulation.

In fact, the phase change materials (PCMs) integrated in the building envelope structure can decrease the buildings' energy consumption by enhancing thermal energy storage capacity, which has been acknowledged and appreciated by many engineers and architects. To achieve a better practical application effect under the minimum cost principle and provide a different design method based on indoor thermal discomfort evaluation results for stakeholders, this paper numerically test the application effect of composite envelope under Tianjin climate through commercial computational fluid dynamic soft (Fluent). Further, parameter sensitivity to thermal performance of the composite envelope and indoor thermal discomfort are investigated in this paper, and two different evaluation indicators are introduced and used here. The numerical results obtained in this paper support the high potential of using PCM in lightweight temporary buildings and highlight the further optimization design work.

期刊: The 23th International Conference on CAADRIA  2018
作者: Yang Yang,Li Zhu

Numerical study on the thermal performance of pipe-embedded PCM building envelope in the heating season.

In this paper, a comprehensive numerical model is presented and validated to simulate the dynamic heat transfer behavior of pipe-embedded PCM building envelope in a typical day of heating season. The performance of the pipe-embedded PCM envelope are investigated and compared with traditional envelope as well as the envelope integrated only with a PCM interlayer. Further, the influence of two design parameter including pipe spacing and thickness of PCM layer are studied and analyzed simultaneously. Finally, the influence of building orientation on the thermal behavior of pipe-embedded PCM envelope was evaluated. The simulation results proved the effectiveness of the numerical results in this paper support and highlight the potential of pipe-embedded PCM envelope for energy saving and indoor comfort lifting. This study will help develop a comprehensive understanding of dynamic thermal behavior of pipe-embedded PCM envelope utilizing low-grade energy source. (C) 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

期刊: 10th International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE2018), Hong Kong, China.  2018
作者: Yang Yang,Li Zhu

Sensitivity Analysis on Borehole Thermal Energy Storage under intermittent operation mode.

As one of the energy storage technologies, borehole thermal energy storage (BTES) has lower heat storage efficiency and greater heat loss in the first few years, but has good application prospect due to its advantages. It is known that the performance of BTES influenced by many factors. Therefore, this study focus on design, operation and environmental impact parameters to investigate the influencing mechanism on BTES performance of these parameters over the entire input spacing. ANSYS-Workbench is used to build the simulation model and global sensitivity analysis Treed Gaussian Process method is employed to assess the relative importance of influencing factors and interaction among influencing factors. Sensitivity analysis result showed that spacing is the most critical factor influencing storage efficiency (SE) and temperature density (TD). Selection of spacing is very important for BTES to increase SE and make the storage of energy as dense as possible. Besides, soil thermal conductivity and depth are the dominant influencing factors on SE and TD, respectively. Moreover, the interactions among variables influencing SE are significant. Finally, intermittent operation mode is conductive to SE improvement. (C) 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

期刊: 10th International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE)  2018
作者: Sarula Chen,Li Zhu

Multi -objective Optimization of SOLAR Curved Surface Based on Parametric Design.

With the increasing of building forms and the improving of technology, the curved surfaces as a type of free morphologies are adopted by many architects. A new multi-objective optimized workflow which inserted the Genetic algorithm and the Pareto Optimality is introduced to assist architects improving their design of curved surfaces in the early scheme phase. The workflow can optimize energy utilization and stress distribution by adjusting the parameters of the curved surface, after the initial design about aesthetics and function. To realize the purpose, two searching processes must be operate in the workflow. One process is to find the fittest form to collect the sunlight by laying thin film photovoltaic, the other process is to construct the low strain energy structure at the same time. A standardized case will be executed throughout the whole process to prove its feasibility. The integration of radiance analysis and structure analysis for the buildings in the initial design process can help architects meeting the requirements of energy saving and structure stabilizing. (C) 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

期刊: 10th International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE)  2018
作者: Yuhan Liu.,Li Zhu


期刊: 中国第十三届建筑物理学术大会论文集  2018
作者: 陈萨如拉.,孙勇,朱丽,刘玉涵

Performance study of SOL&PID system for the degradation of Acid Red 26 and 4-Chlorophenol

期刊: Energy Conversion & Management  2017
作者: Fan Jiangyang,Cui Yong,Sun Yong,Jin Yanchao,Vivar Marta,Wang Yiping,Huang Qunwu,Cui Lingyun,Zhu Li

Performance analysis of a solar photochemical photovoltaic hybrid system for decolorization of Acid Red 26 (AR 26)

期刊: Energy  2017
作者: Fan Jiangyang,Chen Miao,Cui Yong,Sun Yong,Jin Yanchao,Wang Yiping,Huang Qunwu,Zhu Li,Cui Lingyun

Photovoltaic and disinfection performance study of a hybrid photovoltaic-solar water disinfection system.

期刊: Energy  2016
作者: Cui Lingyun,Cui Yong,Sun Yong,Qin Lianwei,Vivar Marta,Zhu Li,Huang Qunwu,Jin Yanchao,Wang Yiping

Simulation study of a linear concentrating photovoltaic receiver with direct liquid-immersed solar cells.

期刊: Solar Energy  2016
作者: Xiang Haijun,Huang Qunwu,Zhu Li,Wang Yiping,Sun Yong

The performance and applicability study of a fixed photovoltaic-solar water disinfection system

The objective of the study is to construct and evaluate a fixed PV (photovoltaic) cell integrated with SODIS (solar water disinfection) system to treat drinking water and generate electricity under different climate through experimental and simulation methods. The photovoltaic and disinfection performances of the hybrid system were studied by the disinfection of Escherichia coli. The applicability of the system in Lhasa and Chennai was evaluated by analyzing the daily radiation and predicting the daily water temperature and the system electricity output. The results confirm that the temperature would dramatically enhance the SODIS process and shorten the disinfection time, when the water temperature was above 45 °C. The PV cell in the hybrid system could work under low temperature because of the water layer and the generated electricity was much more than the system consumption. The simulation results show that the days with maximum water temperature above 45 °C were more than 60% of whole year in Chennai. The generated electricity of the hybrid system was 49682.3 W h and 45615.9 W h a year in Lhasa and Chennai respectively. It was sufficient to drive the system of whole year. The number of days which realized drinking water treatment was 324 days in Lhasa and 315 days in Chennai a year.

期刊: Energy Conversion and Management  2016
作者: Cui Y,Zhu L,Huang Q,Wang Y,Jin Y

Experimental study of liquid-immersion III-V multi-junction solar cells with dimethyl silicon oil under high concentrations

In order to better apply direct liquid-immersion cooling (LIC) method in temperature control of solar cells in high concentrating photovoltaic (CPV) systems, electrical characteristics of GaInP/GaInAs/Ge triple-junction solar cells immersed in dimethyl silicon oil of 1.0-30.0 mm thickness were studied experimentally under 500 suns and 25 °C. Theoretical photocurrent losses caused by spectrum transmittance decrease from spectral absorption of silicon oil were estimated for three series sub-cells, and an in-depth analysis of the electrical performances changes of the operated cell in silicon oil was performed. Compared with cell performances without liquid-immersion, the conversion efficiency and the maximum output power of the immersed solar cell in silicon oil of 1.0 mm thickness has increased from 39.567% and 19.556 W to 40.572% and 20.083 W respectively. However, the cell electrical performances decrease with increasing silicon oil thickness in the range of 1.0-30.0 mm, and the efficiency and the maximum output power of the cell have become less than those without liquid-immersion when the silicon oil thickness exceeds 6.3 mm.

期刊: Energy Conversion and Management  2015
作者: Zhu L,Huang Q,Sun Y,Wang Y,Xin G

Comparison of photovoltaic and photocatalytic performance ofnon-concentrating and V-trough SOLWAT (solar water purification and renewable electricity generation) systems for water purification

To increase photocatalytic rate and PV (photovoltaic) power output of solar modules, an easy-to-fabricate V-trough (2.34 suns) SOLWAT (Solar Water Purification and Renewable Electricity Generation) system was developed for simultaneous water purification and electricity generation. The PV and photocatalytic performance was analyzed in comparison with a non-concentrating SOLWAT system using Acid Red 26 (AR 26) as a pollutant and commercial TiO2 as a photocatalyst. Experiment results show that the V-trough SOLWAT system exhibited a higher photocatalytic degradation rate than the non-concentrating SOLWAT system. The full decolorization time of the V-trough SOLWAT system in the initial pollutant concentration of 10mg/L, 15mg/L and 20mg/L was 33.3%, 42.9% and 54.5% less than that of the non-concentration system, respectively. V-trough and non-concentrating SOLWAT systems achieved lower solar module temperature than that of the reference standard solar module system. With the decolorization of the pollutant, the normalized Isc of the V-trough SOLWAT system increased rapidly, while the non-concentrating system showed a relatively slow rise. The Pmax of the V-trough SOLWAT system could reach above 33W, which was more than twice of the non-concentrating system and it was sufficient to support the autonomous operation of the entire system and the excess electricity could also be stored for other use.

期刊: Energy  2015
作者: Wang Z,Fuentes M,Zhu L,Huang Q,Vivar M,Wang Y,Qin L

Photovoltaic and photocatalytic performance study of SOLWAT system for the degradation of Methylene Blue, Acid Red 26 and 4-Chlorophenol

The SOLWAT system is a combined system for solar water purification and renewable electricity generation. Its photovoltaic and photocatalytic performance, along with the photovoltaic (PV) electricity production was studied under the degradation of three different pollutants: Methylene Blue, Acid Red 26 and 4-Chlorophenol in present paper. The spectrum loss of the system was analyzed theoretically. Spectral transmittance experiments with different medium were conducted and compared with the results of outdoor experiments. The photovoltaic performance of the SOLWAT system was studied comparatively by measuring the Pm and Isc under actual climatic conditions with a reference PV system. To investigate the photocatalytic performance of the SOLWAT system, the degradation of sample pollutants were detected by analyzing the UV absorption and the TOC. In the presence of the additional wastewater layer, PV cells in the SOLWAT system could work under lower temperature. Depending on the spectral absorption of pollutants, if it is within the spectral response of the PV cell, the electricity output is affected by the pollutant degradation (Methylene Blue, Acid Red 26). When the spectral absorption of pollutant is out of the spectral response of the cell, the PV output is not affected by the contaminant degradation (4-Chlorophenol). The output power of SOLWAT system, though decreased due to the light absorption, was sufficient to drive the whole system. The degradation of sample pollutants was detected by analyzing the UV absorption and the TOC to investigate the photocatalytic performance of the SOLWAT system. For the wastewater with different initial concentrations, the decolorization rate ran up above 99% and the mineralization rate was above 80%.

期刊: Applied Energy  2014
作者: Qin L,Zhu L,Fuentes M,Vivar M,Wang Y,Wang Z
