Compositional effects on PAH and soot formation in counterflow diffusion flames of gasoline surrogate fuels
期刊: Combustion and Flame 2017作者: S. Mani Sarathy,Suk Ho Chung,Yu Wang,Sungwoo Park
Aromatic ring formation in opposed-flow diffusive 1,3-butadiene flames
期刊: Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 2017作者: Nils Hansen,Fabian Mauss,S. Mani Sarathy,Hatem Selim,Yu Wang,Lars Seidel,Kai Moshammer
Formation of Soot in Counterflow Diffusion Flames with Carbon Dioxide Dilution
期刊: Combustion Science and Technology 2016作者: Suk Ho Chung,Yu Wang
Strain rate effect on sooting characteristics in laminar counterflow diffusion flames
期刊: Combustion and Flame 2016作者: Suk Ho Chung,Yu Wang
A computational study of ethylene–air sooting flames: Effects of large polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
期刊: Combustion and Flame 2016作者: Suk Ho Chung,Tianfeng Lu,S. Mani Sarathy,Sungwoo Park,Yang Gao,Yu Wang,Hong G. Im,Bok Jik Lee,Paul G. Arias,Prabhu Selvaraj
Soot modeling of counterflow diffusion flames of ethylene-based binary mixture fuels
期刊: Combustion and Flame 2015作者: Suk Ho Chung,Abhijeet Raj,Yu Wang
Effect of strain rate on sooting limits in counterflow diffusion flames of gaseous hydrocarbon fuels: Sooting temperature index and sooting sensitivity index
期刊: Combustion and Flame 2014作者: Suk Ho Chung,Yu Wang
Sooting limit in counterflow diffusion flames of ethylene/propane fuels and implication to threshold soot index
期刊: Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 2013作者: Suk Ho Chung,Abhijeet Raj,Yu Wang,Peter H. Joo
A PAH growth mechanism and synergistic effect on PAH formation in counterflow diffusion flames
期刊: Combustion and Flame 2013作者: Suk Ho Chung,Abhijeet Raj,Yu Wang