


  邮箱   wbing@tsinghua.edu.cn 
TA的实验室:   喷雾燃烧与推进实验室

An incremental-stencil WENO reconstruction for simulation of compressible two-phase flows

期刊: International Journal of Multiphase Flow  2018
作者: Xiangyu Y. Hu,Gaoming Xiang,Bing Wang

Utilization of Nonthermal Plasma in Pulse Detonation Engine Ignition

期刊: Journal of Propulsion and Power  2018
作者: Bing Wang,Dian Feng Zheng

Numerical simulation of liquid droplet breakup in supersonic flows

期刊: Acta Astronautica  2018
作者: Bing Wang,Hongbo Wang,Mingbo Sun,Zhenguo Wang,Nan Liu

A review of active control approaches in stabilizing combustion systems in aerospace industry

期刊: Progress in Aerospace Sciences  2018
作者: Peijin Liu,Bing Wang,X.y. Li,He Zhao,Zhengli Lu,Dan Zhao

Numerical evaluation of acoustic characteristics and their damping of a thrust chamber using a constant-volume bomb model

期刊: Chinese Journal of Aeronautics  2018
作者: Bing Wang,Huiqiang Zhang,Jianxiu Qin

Numerical analysis on interactions of vortex, shock wave, and exothermal reaction in a supersonic planar shear layer laden with droplets

期刊: Physics of Fluids  2018
作者: Longxi Zheng,Bing Wang,Zhaoxin Ren

Analysis of Operating Diagram for H 2 /Air Rotating Detonation Combustors under Lean Fuel Condition

期刊: Energy  2018
作者: Potr Wolanski,Bing Wang,Zifei Ji,Weihong Li,Haocheng Wen,Qiaofeng Xie

Effects of elevated ambient pressure on the disintegration of impinged sheets

期刊: Physics of Fluids  2017
作者: Bing Wang,Peiyu Zhang

Fluid-structure coupling of linear elastic model with compressible flow models

期刊: International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids  2017
作者: Bing Wang,Gaoming Xiang,Nils Gerhard,Siegfried Müller,Michael Herty

Effects of silicone rubber and aerogel blanket-walled tubes on H 2 /Air gaseous detonation

期刊: Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries  2017
作者: Piotr Wolanski,Bing Wang,Haixu Liu,Zhaoxin Ren,Haocheng Wen,Qiaofeng Xie

Brief review on passive and active methods for explosion and detonation suppression in tubes and galleries

期刊: Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries  2017
作者: Grzegorz Rarata,Piotr Wolanski,Qiaofeng Xie,Zhuming Rao,Bing Wang

Evolution of flame kernel in one eddy turnover of high-speed droplet laden shear layers

期刊: Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries  2017
作者: Daolian Wang,Haixu Liu,Qiaofeng Xie,Shangrong Yang,Bing Wang,Zhaoxin Ren

Thermal auto-ignition in high-speed droplet-laden mixing layers

期刊: Fuel  2017
作者: Daolian Wang,Qiaofeng Xie,Bing Wang,Zhaoxin Ren

Numerical study of a planar shock interacting with a cylindrical water column embedded with an air cavity

This paper performs a numerical study on the interaction of a planar shock wave with a water column embedded with/without a cavity of different sizes at high Weber numbers. The conservative-type Euler and non-conservative scalar two-equations representing the transportation of two-phase properties consist of the diffusion interface capture models. The numerical fluxes are computed by the Godunov-type Harten-Lax–van Leer contact Riemann solver coupled with an incremental fifth-order weighted essentially non-oscillatory (WENO) scheme. A third-order total variation diminishing (TVD) Runge–Kutta scheme is used to advance the solution in time. The morphology and dynamical characteristics are analysed qualitatively and quantitatively to demonstrate the breakup mechanism of the water column and formation of transverse jets under different incident shock intensities and embedded-cavity sizes. The jet tip velocities are extracted by analysing the interface evolution. The liquid column is prone to aerodynamic breakup with the formation of micro-mist at later stages instead of liquid evaporation because of the weakly heating effects of the surrounding air. It is numerically confirmed that the liquid-phase pressure will drop below the saturated vapour pressure, and the low pressure can be sustained for a certain time because of the focusing of the expansion wave, which accounts for the cavitation inside the liquid water column. The geometrical parameters of the deformed water column are identified, showing that the centreline width decreases but the transverse height increases nonlinearly with time. The deformation rates are nonlinearly correlated under different Mach numbers. The first transverse jet is found for a water column with an embedded cavity, whereas the water hammer shock and second jet do not occur under the impact of low intensity incident shock waves. The $x$ -velocity component recorded at the rear stagnation point can remain unchanged for a comparable time after a declined evolution, which indicates that the downstream wall of the shocked water ring somehow moves uniformly. It can be explained that the acceleration of the downstream wall is balanced by the trailing shedding vortex, and this effect is more evident under higher Mach numbers. The increased enstrophy, mainly generated at the interface, demonstrates the competition of the baroclinic effects of the shock wave impact over dilatation.

期刊: Journal of Fluid Mechanics  2017
作者: Bing Wang,Gaoming Xiang

Numerical Modeling and Studies of Ignition Transients in End-Burning-Grain Solid Rocket Motors

期刊: Journal of Propulsion and Power  2016
作者: Xiaotao Tian,Bing Wang,Bowen Hu

Construction of one-step H2/O2 reaction mechanism for predicting ignition and its application in simulation of supersonic combustion

期刊: International Journal of Hydrogen Energy  2016
作者: Gao Wei,Suna Ma,Wei Wei,Bing Wang

Numerical investigation of H 2 /air combustion instability driven by large scale vortex in supersonic mixing layers

期刊: International Journal of Hydrogen Energy  2016
作者: Gao Wei,Zhang Yunlong,Zhang Huiqiang,Wang Bing,Chen Qian

Dispersion of particles in wall-bounded particle-laden turbulent flows with high wall permeability

期刊: International Journal of Multiphase Flow  2015
作者: Bing Wang,Sida D. He

Passive scalar mixing in Mc <1 planar shear layer flows

期刊: Computers & Fluids  2015
作者: Shuyan Xue,Huiqiang Zhang,Yunlong Zhang,Wei Wei,Bing Wang

Ignition, flame propagation and extinction in the supersonic mixing layer flow

期刊: Science China Technological Sciences  2014
作者: Huiqiang Zhang,Bing Wang,Yunlong Zhang

Flow dynamics of a spiral-groove dry-gas seal

期刊: Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering  2013
作者: Hongjun Cao,Huiqiang Zhang,Bing Wang

Analysis of combustion instability via constant volume combustion in a LOX/RP-1 bipropellant liquid rocket engine

期刊: Science China Technological Sciences  2012
作者: Xilin Wang,Bing Wang,Yongjing Ga,Huiqiang Zhang

Two-phase micro- and macro-time scales in particle-laden turbulent channel flows

期刊: Acta Mechanica Sinica  2012
作者: Michael Manhart,Bing Wang

Large eddy simulation of a 3-D spatially developing turbulent round jet

期刊: Science China Technological Sciences  2011
作者: Xilin Wang,Bing Wang,Yi Rong,Huiqiang Zhang

Dense gas-particle flow in vertical channel by multi-lattice trajectory model

期刊: Science China Technological Sciences  2011
作者: Xilin Wang,Bing Wang,Min Liu,Huiqiang Zhang

Numerical Analysis of a Spiral-groove Dry-gas Seal Considering Micro-scale Effects

期刊: Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering  2011
作者: Bing Wang

Large-eddy Simulation of Near-field Dynamics in a Particle-laden Round Turbulent Jet

期刊: Chinese Journal of Aeronautics  2010
作者: Wang Xilin,Zhang Huiqiang,Wang Bing

Inter-phase interaction in a turbulent, vertical channel flow laden with heavy particles. Part II: Two-phase velocity statistical properties

期刊: International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer  2010
作者: Bing Wang

A study on turbulence modulation via an analysis of turbulence anisotropy-invariants

期刊: Science China Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy  2010
作者: Huiqiang Zhang,Michael Manhart,Bing Wang

Inter-phase interaction in a turbulent, vertical channel flow laden with heavy particles. Part I: Numerical methods and particle dispersion properties

期刊: International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer  2010
作者: Bing Wang

Particle modulations to turbulence in two-phase round jets

期刊: Acta Mechanica Sinica  2009
作者: Xilin Wang,Xiaofen Yan,Yi Liu,Huiqiang Zhang,Bing Wang

On steady state computation of turbulent flows usingk–ɛ models approximated by the time splitting method

期刊: International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids  2006
作者: Bing Wang,Zi-Niu Wu,Tao Du

Large Eddy Simulation of a Particle-Laden Turbulent Backward-Facing Step Flow

期刊: Volume 1: Fora, Parts A, B, C, and D  2003
作者: Wen-Yi Lin,Yin-Cheng Guo,Xi-Lin Wang,Hui-Qiang Zhang,Bing Wang
